A.I Love You Wiki

The Yamazaki Dieter's Spa Resort is a "dieter's paradise specializing in fun and easy dieting solutions". Located in Izu, the spa is run by Chitose Yamazaki.

The spa is actually a scam, designed by Chitose to coerce dieters into spending money on eccentric dieting schemes that have little to no effect.



  • At the time of attending the resort, Saati weighed 51kg (after apparently gaining 7lbs), Toeni weighed 55kg (after apparently gaining 15lbs), and Hitoshi weighed 60kg.
  • Chitose claims that the spa has been used by Souseki Natsume, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Shoutokutaishi.
  • She also claims that Hidyoshi used the spa during the Muromachi period, later revealing that Hideyoshi was the name of her monkey.

Locations and Events
Locations and Landmarks Kobe ResidenceKobe OnsenLove HotelNarita International AirportWhale BankMenjō High SchoolMicrosoft StoreNamakoShibuyaShinjukuKujūkuri BeachCooking Teacher's HouseOdaiba Amusement ParkMountain LookoutKimika's Summer HomeSmiley Smile EnterprisesSmiley Smile SeminarGreston HotelNewcosmo ArcadeMy CityCafeBeer GardenAkihabaraIshihara ResidenceJinjou Elementary SchoolKurihiradai LibraryYamazaki Dieter's Spa ResortVideogame ExpoMcDougal ResidenceTama RiverMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyDegarashi Hot Springs
Cities and Countries CyberspaceJapanPararakelse Island
Events Event Timeline
Golden WeekChristmasSummer VacationChildren's DaySchool Festival